/Latvia/Riga/Tourist attraction/"Lady Kathleen" concrete ship wreck

"Lady Kathleen" concrete ship wreck


"Lady Kathleen" concrete ship wreck
Tourist attraction
11 reviews
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32CW+8C Riga, Latvia
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Monday: 00–24
Tuesday: 00–24
Wedneasday: 00–24
Thursday: 00–24
Friday: 00–24
Saturday: 00–24
Sunday: 00–24
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Kristaps Sprincis
Kristaps Sprincis
(Translated by Google) Approximately one kilometer east of the mouth of the Daugava, 230 meters from the shore, the remains of the wrecked Swedish concrete ship "Lady Cotlin" are stuck in the sand of the seabed. In 1951, the ship went to Riga salt and ran aground during a storm. The team managed to escape.

The stories say that contraband alcohol was hidden in the ship's cargo hold, and the entire crew was heavily intoxicated. Later, the local residents found cans with fire pits on the shore.

It should be noted here that in 1917, the first reinforced concrete ship was created by the Norwegian engineer Nicolay Fougner. At first, concrete ships were generally used for the transportation of oil and dry bulk cargoes because, unlike metal ships, their interiors were drier. Also in terms of durability, they surpassed ships of wooden and metal structures, but their life usually did not exceed 10 years.

Due to the speed and cheapness of the material, reinforced concrete shipbuilding became widespread during the Second World War. The remains of "Lady Cotlin" are a favorite haunt of sea ravens. In the summer season of 2015, around fifty of these large birds constantly stayed on them and next to them (in the sea).

The surreal image of the sea raven is organically complemented by the voice - sounds similar to the bleating of goats and demonic laughter, which can already be heard in the dunes of Mangalsala. In the past, this species was rare in Latvia and was even recorded in the Red Book. At the end of the 20th century, the sea raven population experienced a demographic explosion, and now the number of birds is so large that the species has been removed from the Latvian Red Book.

Aptuveni kilometru uz austrumiem no Daugavas grīvas, 230 metrus no krasta, jūras sēkļa smiltīs iestigušas avarējuša zviedru betona kuģa "Lady Cotlin" atliekas. 1951. gadā kuģis vedis uz Rīgu sāli un vētras laikā uzsēdies uz sēkļa. Komandai izdevies izglābties.

Nostāsti vēsta, ka kuģa kravas tilpnēs bijis paslēpts kontrabandas spirts, un visa komanda stipri iereibusi. Vēlāk vietējie iedzīvotāji krastā esot atraduši kannas ar ugunsdziru.

Te jāatzīmē, ka 1917. gadā pirmo dzelzsbetona kuģi radīja norvēģu inženieris Nikolajs Fogners (Nicolay Fougner). Sākumā būvētos betona kuģus parasti izmantoja naftas un sauso beramkravu pārvadāšanai, jo, atšķirībā no metāla kuģiem, to iekštelpas bija sausākas. Arī izturības ziņā tie pārspēja koka un metāla konstrukciju kuģus, taču to mūžs parasti nepārsniedzot 10 gadus.

Dzelzsbetona kuģu būve, pateicoties ātrumam un materiāla lētumam, plaši izplatījās Otrā pasaules kara laikā. "Lady Cotlin" atliekas ir iecienīta jūras kraukļu uzturēšanās vieta. 2015. gada vasaras sezonā uz tām un blakus (jūrā) pastāvīgi uzturējās ap piecdesmit šo lielo putnu.

Jūras kraukļa sirreālo tēlu organiski papildina balss — kazu blējieniem un dēmoniskiem smiekliem līdzīgas skaņas, kas saklausāmas jau Mangaļsalas kāpās. Agrāk šī suga Latvijā bija reta un pat ierakstīta Sarkanajā grāmatā. 20. gadsimta beigās jūras kraukļu populācija piedzīvoja demogrāfisko sprādzienu, un tagad putnu skaits ir tik liels, ka suga no Latvijas Sarkanās grāmatas svītrota.
Riga Rooftops
Riga Rooftops281 days ago
Stinky, but interesting.
Viesturs berzins
Viesturs berzins281 days ago
Janina Ro
Janina Ro1 year ago
JURIS KRASTIŅŠ10 years ago
(Translated by Google) You can take a closer look by using the ice stacks.

Izmantojot ledus krāvumus iespējams aplūkot tuvāk.
Vjacheslav Dubovsky
Vjacheslav Dubovsky10 years ago
(Translated by Google) A charming place with a sunken concrete ship.

Очаровательное место с затонувшим бетонным кораблём.
Jānis Kalnenieks
Jānis Kalnenieks10 years ago
(Translated by Google) Something atypical for Latvia and looks cool

Kaut kas Latvijai netipisks un forši izskatās
Toomas Sööt
Toomas Sööt10 years ago
(Translated by Google) Bullshit

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