/Latvia/Riga/Hospital/VSIA, Rigas psihiatrijas un narkologijas centrs , Ambulatorais garigas veselibas aprupes centrs Veldre , dienas stacionars

VSIA, Rigas psihiatrijas un narkologijas centrs , Ambulatorais garigas veselibas aprupes centrs Veldre , dienas stacionars

Veldres iela 1A, Vidzemes priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1064, Latvia

VSIA, Rigas psihiatrijas un narkologijas centrs , Ambulatorais garigas veselibas aprupes centrs Veldre , dienas stacionars
12 reviews
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X6JX+38 Riga, Latvia
+371 67 080 112
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Santa Vaivade-Vesere
Santa Vaivade-Vesere
(Translated by Google) In Riga, on Veldres Street, I have always received the necessary medical and spiritual help and psychological support in crisis situations of my life, provided by high-class Latvian state psychiatrists. I am especially grateful for the moral support and solution to my life situation given to me by the Latvian state police officers working there last Saturday, 17.03.2018, when the police officers on duty at the center listened to me so seriously and supported me with advice.
THANK YOU all for this huge, huge!
I am truly glad that in the country of Latvia we have such excellent doctors - psychiatrists - and such serious police officers - women of Russian nationality, who were able to help me so sincerely and were also able to explain everything comprehensibly in my
in the native - Latvian - language.

Rīgā , Veldres ielā , es vienmēr esmu saņēmusi augstas klases Latvijas valsts psihiatru sniegtu man nepieciešamu medicīnisko un garīgo palīdzību un psiholoģisko atbalstu manas dzīves krīzes situācijās. Es esmu it sevišķi pateicīga par tur strādājošo Latvijas valsts policijas darbinieču man sniegto morālo atbalstu un dzīves situācijas risinājumu pagājušajā sestdienā , 17.03.2018 , kad centrā dežūrējošās policijas darbinieces mani tik nopietni uzklausīja un atbalstīja mani ar padomu .
PALDIES Jums visiem par to milzīgs , milzīgs !
Man ir patiess prieks ,ka mums Latvijas valstī ir tik izcili ārsti - psihiatri - un tik nopietnas policijas darbinieces - krievu tautības sievietes ,kuras man tik sirsnīgi spēja palīdzēt un spēja arī visu saprotami izskaidrot manā
dzimtajā - latviešu - valodā .
Vita Romanovska
Vita Romanovska
(Translated by Google) Knowledgeable, sensitive, professional team. Overcame my depression and burnout!

Zinoša,iejūtīga,profesionāla komanda. Tika galā ar manu depresiju un izdegšanu!
Kiwin Winki
Kiwin Winki
Артём Мухамеджанов
Артём Мухамеджанов281 days ago
(Translated by Google) Recorded in 3 weeks. They called 3 days before the appointment and said that they were canceling it and offered another 2 weeks later.
Service and attitude to people at the lowest level.

Записали за 3 недели. Позвонили за 3 дня до приема и сказали, что отменяют его и предложили еще через 2 недели.
Обслуживание и отношение к людям на низшем уровне.
Melissa Aa
Melissa Aa1 year ago
Arrogant and clueless staff.

Was good about a year ago, then a psychiatrist that I visited before (Dace Melke) refused to prescribe me medication without any notice. She had prescribed me heavy anti-depressants before (which has one of the worst withdrawals because it's short-realese) and tranquillizers (large dose). I was called a drug-addict for no reason and she kept avoiding any of my calls.

I could have died going cold turkey off my meds, fortunately I knew another psychiatrist and she prescribed me medication straight away.

Lack of any emphaty and concern in every possible way.

Manager of the office denied you could have have seizeres from Xanax when going cold turkey after taking large doses of Xanax, which is a well known fact. Google, my friend. I guess I know more than you do - very odd and concerning indeed.

Was told that Wikipedia is not reliable source of information, made me feel very small and basically humiliated while taking very aggressively with me while I was crying on the phone and straight up told me that he does not care about my problems. No emphaty whatsoever, it's almost scary.

If I was in the US I would sue for the damage it caused me (physically and mentally).
эльвира бородулина
эльвира бородулина1 year ago
Sergej1 year ago
(Translated by Google) Pay attention to employees who work with information over the phone. I called on Friday 11/16/2022, instead of making a note or recommending a free doctor's visit, the employee hung up and after trying to call again hung up 5 more times during the day. disgusting service. I do not recommend to anyone.

Pievērsiet uzmanību darbiniekiem, kuri strādā ar informāciju pa tālruni. Zvanīju piektdien 16.11.2022, tā vietā, lai pierakstītu vai ieteiktu bezmaksas ārsta vizītei, darbiniece nolika klausuli un pēc mēģinājuma vēlreiz zvanīt nolika klausuli vēl 5 reizes dienas laikā. pretīgs serviss. Neiesaku nevienam.
Krēgers Edgars
Krēgers Edgars10 years ago
(Translated by Google) Hanging by the nose for a month and a half. The receptionist writes down the dates. A person drives 30 km in one direction, wasting fuel and working time, only to find out that the doctor is not there yet again. And that the recording dates are different. A circus, not an institution.

Pusotru mēnesi vazā aiz deguna. Reģistratūra pasaka pieraksta datumus. Cilvēks brauc 30km vienā virzienā tērējot degvielu un darba laiku, lai uzzinātu, ka dakteres kārtējo reizi nav. Un ka pieraksta datumi ir citi. Cirks, ne iestāde.
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