/Latvia/Riga/Dentist/Veselības centrs ADORIA - ātri pieejams ginekologs, zobārsts, fizioterapeits, doplerogrāfija u.c. speciālisti

Veselības centrs ADORIA - ātri pieejams ginekologs, zobārsts, fizioterapeits, doplerogrāfija u.c. speciālisti

Aleksandra Čaka iela 70-3, Latgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvia

Veselības centrs ADORIA - ātri pieejams ginekologs, zobārsts, fizioterapeits, doplerogrāfija u.c. speciālisti
31 reviews
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X44P+77 Riga, Latvia
+371 67 315 000
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Google maps Veselības centrs ADORIA - ātri pieejams ginekologs, zobārsts, fizioterapeits, doplerogrāfija u.c. speciālisti
Monday: 8–19
Tuesday: 8–19
Wedneasday: 8–19
Thursday: 8–19
Friday: 8–17
Saturday: 10–17
Sunday: Close
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Arvīds Ceļmalis
Arvīds Ceļmalis
(Translated by Google) Good children's dental specialists, there could be more state-paid places for children. Good children's dental professionals would be a greater number of state-funded places for children.

Labi bērnu zobārstniecības speciālisti, varētu būt lielāks skaits valsts apmaksāto vietu bērniem. Good children's dental professionals would be a greater number of state-funded place for children.
Oskars Ozoliņš
Oskars Ozoliņš
Only place in Riga where I would suggest for dental treatment.
Price and staff friendly. Recommended
Andrew Lu
Andrew Lu
Affordable price for dental treatment. Very polite employees.
Elvīra Bloma
Elvīra Bloma
(Translated by Google) For the first time in many years (something just like that, maybe during elementary school, but also not) I saw that in the dental office I was blamed for hurting me. The doctor is good and professional, I coped adequately with the situation, but with the nurse I would not want to spend time in one room longer than 2 seconds. Although, in fact, I would not want to spend a single second in the presence of such a stereotypical and intolerant person. That is why I will not return here.

Pirmo reizi pēc ilgiem gadiem (kaut kas līdzīgs bija tikai, varbūt pamatskolas laikā, bet arī nē) pieredzēju, ka zobārstniecības kabinetā mani vaino par to, ka man sāp. Daktere ir laba un profesionāla, adekvāti tika galā ar situāciju, bet ar māsiņu es negribētu pavadīt laiku vienā telpā, kas būtu ilgāks par 2 sekundēm. Kaut gan, patiesībā, es nevienu sekundi negribētu pavadīt šāda stereotipu pilna un neiecietīga cilvēka klātbūtnē. Tieši tāpēc šeit neatgriezīšos.
Boriss Rozentals
Boriss Rozentals
(Translated by Google) Never go to Adoria in your life. 2 huge problems – terrible manipulator gynecologist Liger and a receptionist full of errors. Gynecologist Liger gives a good first impression, but quite quickly you can start to understand that taking care of you is just like a bag of money. I got the first diagnosis, gynecologist Liger tells me to come to her for an operation. I signed up. After the time, the reception calls, asking to reschedule, ok, we reschedule. I take a 3-day leave from work, come to the operation, it turns out that I was transferred incorrectly - not to the operation, but only to the consultation. Gynecologist Liger looked at me, without any analysis, says that I have inflammation and prescribes antibiotics.

I go to 2 other gynecologists. Everyone says that inflammation cannot be detected without tests, that antibiotics are completely useless. After that, it turned out that there is no inflammation, that the operation should not be done without hospitalization at all, and the first diagnosis was wrong. It turns out I almost started drinking useless antibiotics and had a useless operation. All this had to be paid €40 each time.

And when I started going to other doctors, I wanted to take my sick card from Adoria - and they didn't want to give it! I had to threaten with the law (according to the law it is obligatory to give) and only then did I give it back. Absolutely unacceptable and unprofessional attitude.

Before that, there was also a bad experience with a dentist in clinics. I wrote to the administration, they offered me SPA tickets, which I don't need at all. But these are the only correct things that this clinic is doing - after visiting Adoria, you will need a SPA as a minimum, and a hospital bed as a maximum. Never, ever go to Adoria.

Nekad mūžā neejiet Adoria. 2 milzīgas problēmas – drausmīga manipulators ginekoloģe Ligere un kļūdu pilna reģistratūra. Ginekoloģe Ligere dod nesliktu pirmo iespaidu, bet diezgan ātri var sākt saprast, ka rūpes par tevi ir tikai kā par naudas maisu. Dabūju pirmo diagnozi, ginekoloģe Ligere saka, lai nāku pie viņas uz operāciju. Pierakstījos. Pēc laika zvana no reģistratūra, prasa pārlikt laiku, ok, pārliekam. Ņemu 3 dienu atvaļinājumu darbā, nāku uz operāciju, izrādās nepareizi tika pārlikts – nevis uz operāciju, bet tikai uz konsultāciju. Ginekoloģe Ligere paskatījās uz mani, bez jebkādam analīzēm, saka ka esmu slima ar iekaisumu un izraksta antibiotiķus.

Eju pie 2 citiem ginekologiem. Visi saka, ka bez testiem iekaisumu nevar noteikt, tie antibiotiķi vispār ir bezjēgā. Pēc tam izradījās, ka iekaisuma nav, ka to operāciju bez stacionārā vispār nedrīkst darīt, un pirmā diagnoze bija nepareiza. Sanāk es gandrīz sāku dzert bezjēdzīgus antibiotiķus un uztaisīju bezjēdzīgu operāciju. Par visu šo vajadzēja maksāt €40 katru reizi.

Un vēl, kad sāku iet pie citiem ārstiem gribēju paņemt savu slimības karti no Adoria – un viņi negribēja dot! Nācās draudēt ar likumu (pēc likuma obligāti jādod) un tikai tad atdeva. Absolūti nepieņemamā un neprofesionāla attieksme.

Pirms tam arī bija slikta pieredze ar klīnikās zobārstu. Rakstīju administrācijai, piedāvāja SPA biļetes, kuras man vispār nav vajadzīgas. Bet nu šīs ir vienīgas pareizais ko šī klīnika ir dara – pēc Adoria apmeklējuma vajadzēs kā minimums SPA, kā maksimums – gulta slimnīcā. Nekad, nekad neejiet Adoria.
Laura Berkmane
Laura Berkmane
(Translated by Google) For the first time, I took my daughter to dental hygienist Anita Preisa. Super attitude and approach 💯, such masters more. Thank you for a great job

Pirmo reizi aizvedu savu meitu pie zobu higenistes Anitas Preisas. Super attieksme un pieeja 💯, šādu meistarišu vairāk. 😉 Paldies lielisks darbs 👌😉
Inara Tralla
Inara Tralla10 years ago
(Translated by Google) I can only say the best.
The fact that it is accepted on holidays is a big plus. The premises are very pleasant. I was with a 1-year-old and 4-month-old baby for the first visit to the hygienist. Very pleasant young doctor. In the cabinet, there is a TV with cartoons and other things that distract the little one. Overall, I'm very satisfied and the little one also looked quite happy about what's going on :)

Varu teikt tikai to labāko.
Tas vien, ka pieņem brīvdienās ir liels pluss. Telpas ļoti patīkamas. Biju ar 1g un 4m mazuli uz pirmo vizīti pie higiēnista. Ļoti patīkama, jauna dakterīte. Kabinetā TV ar multenēm un citām lietām, kas novērš mazajam uzmanību. Kopumā esmu ļoti apmierināta un mazais arī izskatījās gana priecīgs par to, kas notiek :)
Ligusha a
Ligusha a10 years ago
(Translated by Google) Gynecologist dr. Ligare is simply fantastic. If antibiotics are prescribed, then there is a reason for it! After reading the bad reviews, I can't believe that this is my doctor.

Ginekoloģe dr. Ligare ir vienkārši fantastiska. Ja izraksta antibiotikas, tad tam ir iemesls! Palasot sliktās atsauksmes, neticas, ka tā ir mana ārste.
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