/Latvia/Riga/Dentist/Zobārstniecība Medical group Dens , SIA

Zobārstniecība Medical group Dens , SIA

Tallinas iela 49A, Latgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1012, Latvia

Zobārstniecība Medical group Dens , SIA
18 reviews
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X46R+Q3 Riga, Latvia
+371 29 284 626
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Tuesday: 8–20
Wedneasday: 8–20
Thursday: Close
Friday: 8–20
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Kārlis Feldmanis
Kārlis Feldmanis
(Translated by Google) In my opinion, the closest clinic in Riga. Nice doctors and human attitude.

Manuprāt, sakarīgākā klīnika Rīgā. Jauki dakterīši un cilvēciska attieksme.
Jānis Krūmiņš
Jānis Krūmiņš
Really good dentist place. Prices are in the high side, but quality of work is also quite high.
Victor Karu
Victor Karu
The clinic looks great but the absence of the price-list on the web-page can make you very vulnerable so be aware. I had to cancel all appointments after being struck by the first bill that exceeded all my expectations. Sorry, but because of all that I can't give more than 1 star.
Gatis Saulitis
Gatis Saulitis
(Translated by Google) This was a while ago. Dentists very good, really!!! I went for several years, but the dentist should not recommend to make an appointment with the surgeon, knowing that he does not do anything on the spot, but only "advises" without saying anything new.
I had a very basic cyst on my lip that needed to be cut out, I didn't need any advice, when I was at the dentist, they suggested I make an appointment with a surgeon, I was fine in the clinic for 5 minutes, I was in the surgeon's office for 4 minutes, of which in the first 20 seconds they asked me what was the matter, I said so-and-so, he looked around, said, yes, it's so-and-so, you have to cut it out, BUT you have to sign up with him on dzirciema street (aha, that's why I moved the appointment 2 hours earlier, I rushed through the whole city through the biggest traffic jams, spending more than 2h, even though Dizieria street is 15 minutes away from me, without major traffic jams) and the rest of the minutes a conversation/question off topic, for example, what I do, where I study, where I work and so on, and also saying that I need to save money for surgery.

The whole event cost 30 eur + time+fuel on the way + damaged nerves and mood for the whole day, without learning anything new, except that I have to sign up with him on Dzirciema Street, and I have to save a lot of money. The consultation time on the topic is 30 seconds, not several minutes on the topic.
Since this incident, there is no desire to return to this clinic, unfortunately.
Needless to say, I did not want to see that surgeon either.

The crown of everything is, of course, that I had a wisdom tooth extraction in Dzirciema Street a few months after that super consultation in Densa, at another surgeon, I mentioned about that lip, he answered quickly, yes, it can be cut, 50-60 eur, but when it heals wisdom tooth location.

So, the conclusion - the surgeon invited by Dan is interested in making money, because if he consults for less than a minute and doesn't say anything new, but only what text I signed up with, takes 30 euros, unprofessionally asks me about my private life and occupation and then says - save money, then it definitely does not seem that such an operation at his place would cost 60 eur, but x2 at least + consultation, then most likely the whole event would have cost 200 eur, because he asked to call him directly, not at the reception of Dziziema Street.....

Šis bija pirms kāda laika. Zobārsti ļoti labi, tiešām!!! Gāju vairākus gadus, bet zobārstei nevajadzētu rekomendēt pierakstīties pie ķirurga, zinot ka viņš neko uz vietas nedara, bet tikai "konsultē" neko jaunu nepasakot.
Bija ļoti elementāra cista uz lūpas, ko vajadzēja izgriezt, neko konsultēt nevajadzēja, kad biju pie zobārstes, ieteica pierakstīties pie ķirurga, klīnikā biju labi ja minūtes 5, ķirurga kabinetā biju minūtes 4, no kurām pirmajās 20 sekundēs prasīja man kas par lietu, teicu tas un tas, viņš apskatījās, teica, jā , ir tas un tas, jāgriež ārā, BET jāpierakstās pie viņā dzirciema ielā ( aha, tādēļ man pārcēla pierakstu 2h ātrāk, es steidzos cauri visai pilsētai caur lielākajiem sastrēgumiem,ceļā turp atpakaļ pavadot vairāk kā 2h, kaut dzirciema iela no manis ir 15 minūšu attālumā, bez lieliem sastrēgumiem) un pārējās minūtēs saruna/jautājuma ne pa tēmu, piemēram, ar ko es nodarbojos, kur studēju, kur strādāju un tādā garā, un vēl pasakot, ka man jākrāj nauda operācijai.

Tas viss pasākums izmaksāja 30 eur + laiks+degviela ceļā + pabojāti nervi un garastāvoklis visai dienai, neko jaunu neuzzinot, kā tikai to, ka jāpierakstās pie viņā Dzirciema ielā, un man jākrāj daudz nauda. Konsultācijas laiks par tēmu 30 sekundes, ne pa tēmu vairākas minūtes.
Kopš šī atgadījuma nav vēlmes šai klīnikā atgriezties, diemžēl.
Lieki teikt, ka pie tā ķirurga arī nevēlējos griesties.

Kronis visam protams ir tas, ka dzirciema ielā biju uz gudrības zoba izraušanu dažus mēnešus pēc tās super konsultācijas Densā, pie cita ķirurga, pie reizes ieminējos par to lūpu, šis ātri atbild, jā, var izgriest, 50-60 eur, bet kad sadzīs gudrības zoba vieta.

Tātad secinājums - Dens pieaicinātais ķirurgs ir ieinteresēts nokāst naudu, jo, ja konsultējot nepilnu minūti un nepasakot neko jaunu, bet tikai to, ar kādu tekstu es pierakstījos, paņemt 30 eur, neprofesionāli izprašņāt mani par privāto dzīvi un nodarbošanos un pēc tam teikt - krāj naudiņu, tad galīgi nešķiet, ka šāda operācija pie viņa maksātu 60eur, bet x2 vismaz + konsultācija, tad visticamāk kopā tas pasākums būtu nostājies 200eur, jo viņš aicināja zvanīt pie viņa pa tiešu, ne dzirciema ielas reģistratūru.....
Olegs Kurdjukovs
Olegs Kurdjukovs
(Translated by Google) I agree with people that the prices are quite high, but this corresponds to the level, final result and quality. They will tell you everything and show you where and why. Why not the highest rating:

1. Because you don’t know how much you will have to pay in the end, so check the prices before you sit in the chair.
2. Too much advertising from doctors/dentists/hygienists. I understand, but it's too much.
3. A small parking lot, which is also located in a very inconvenient place. To enter this courtyard, I circled for 20 minutes.

Соглашусь с людьми, что цены достаточно высокие, но это соответсвует уровню, итоговому результату и качеству. Всё расскажут и покажут, куда и зачем. Почему не высшая оценка:

1. Потому что не знаешь сколько надо будет заплатить в конечном счёте, так что уточняйте цены до того как сесть в кресло.
2. Слишком много рекламы из уст врачей/стоматологов/гигиенистов. Всё понимаю, но перебор.
3. Маленькая парковка, которая расположена в тоже очень неудобном месте. Чтобы в этот двор заехать я кружил минут 20.
Konstantin Tvoronovich
Konstantin Tvoronovich1 year ago
K D B10 years ago
My teeth look brilliantly white and perfect after the hygienist. I also had two front porcelain teeth put in 12/13 years ago at this place that are still in great looking and working condition today. Recommend to anyone who wants long term amazing results.
Ilva Ilva
Ilva Ilva10 years ago
(Translated by Google) I would like to say a big thank you to the staff of your clinic.
Last year, I visited your specialists several times for help.
From school days, the dentist is like a big scare for me, in Soviet times who remembers will definitely understand me. When my tooth suddenly started to hurt, I called you, sure that I would meet in a few days, but I was lucky, the same day the employee arranged a visit to the doctor (unfortunately I don't remember the surname ...) I was lucky ... I was glad that the problem is not as crazy as it seemed, and I also went to the dental hygienist that evening. The first time I was with your hygienist Irina Donskaya, I felt comfortable in a dentist's chair. It really was, both physically "going through" this procedure, which has always been very unpleasant for me, and psychologically very nice communication with the doctor.
Some time before this incident, I came to Dr. Vineta Vēvere Urlovska with a broken tooth. Many thanks to her - a completely new tooth was very masterfully grown on the small edge of a broken tooth, which seemed completely impossible to me. I had already come to terms with the fact that the first tooth of my life would have to be extracted. In addition, I was aware of everything that was done in my mouth during the procedure.
Thanks to your team !!!

Vēlos teikt lielu paldies jūsu klīnikas darbiniekiem.
Pagājušā gadā vairākas reizes biju pie jūsu speciālistiem pēc palīdzības.
No skolas laikiem zobārsts man ir kā liels bieds, padomju laikus kas atceras, mani noteikti sapratīs. Kad pēkšņi sāka sāpēt zobs, zvanīju jums, pārliecināta ka pēc pāris dienām tikšu, bet paveicās, tajā pat dienā darbiniece noorganizēja vizīti pie dakteres (diemžēl neatceros uzvārdu...) Man paveicās...Biju priecīga ka problēma nav tik traka kā likās, un arī tajā pat dienas vakarā tiku pie zobu higiēnistes. Pirmo reizi, esot pie jūsu higiēnistes Irinas Donskajas, es jutos komfortabli zobārsta krēslā. Tas tiešām tā bija, gan fiziski "pārdzīvojot" šo procedūru, kas man vienmēr ir bijusi ļoti nepatīkama, gan arī psiholoģiski ļoti jauka komunikācija ar dakteri.
Vēl kādu laiku pirms šī gadījuma, ar nolūzušu zobu nokļuvu pie dakteres Vinetas Vēveres Urlovskas. Liels paldies viņai - uz mazas nolūzuša zoba maliņas tika ļoti meistarīgi uzaudzēts pilnīgi jauns zobs, kas man likās pilnīgi neiespējami. Es jau biju samierinājusies, ka pirmo zobu manā dzīvē nāksies izraut. Pie tam es biju informēta par visu kas procedūras laikā tika darīts manā mutē.
Paldies jūsu komandai!!!
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